Spreader Sticker

Item #: QCC-379-2-2.5
Availability: Back Order
Usually ships In 3-4 Business Days

  • Improves pesticide efficiency
  • Superior performance
  • Increases coverage and reduces washoff
  • Water dispersible
  • Provides excellent surface tension
  • Spreading and Sticking agent that improves the efficiency of fertilizers as well as pesticides and herbicides on all types of turfs.
    A water dispersible spreader sticker adjuvant. SPREADER STICKER is designed to improve the efficacy of many pesticides by increasing the spreading and adhesion of spray deposits on leaf surfaces. Unlike conventional spreader-sticker products, SPREADER STICKER provides excellent surface tension reduction resulting in increased coverage of plant surfaces. In addition, SPREADER STICKER reduces the tendency for washoff of the spray deposit by light to moderate rainfall, heavy dews or irrigation water applied by above canopy sprinkler systems. SPREADER STICKER does not contain petroleum or vegetable based oils. Optimum application and effects, however, can be influenced by the crop, pest, spray equipment, spray volume, pressure, droplet size, spray mixture and environmental factors. Consequently, it is recommended that careful observations of the spray deposit be made and adjuvant concentrations be adjusted accordingly.
    Price: $175.00
      Points Earned:175
      Bonus Points Earned:0



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